Service Levels

Service Levels

Responses to support requests will be answered according to the following service level classifications:


Critical; basic service provided by the Licensed Program is interrupted, the Licensed Program is not usable for a major specified function or all users do not have access to the application. It also includes license generation requests for all licenses except demo type.

Zequel Response:

Within two (2) hours from Licensee's written notification to Zequel and provided Licensee has provided Zequel with the documentation necessary for Zequel to reproduce the problem, Zequel shall provide to Licensee a proposed plan to correct such Error. If a workaround cannot be found, an update will be prepared on an emergency basis. Such assistance will be available to Licensee during Zequel's regular business hours.

Average response time: 30 minutes


Important; basic service provided by the Licensed Program is degraded; some functions may not be available or may be inadequate or some users do not have access to the application or some of its functions. It also includes license generation requests for demo license type.

Zequel Response:

Within one (1) business day from Licensee's written notification to Zequel and provided Licensee has provided Zequel with the documentation necessary for Zequel to reproduce the problem, Zequel shall provide to Licensee a proposed plan to correct such Error. If a workaround cannot be found within a reasonable time, an update will be prepared on an emergency basis. It includes also license generation requests for demo license type.

Average response time: 4 hours.


Minor; functional problems cause inconvenience to users of the Licensed Program; workaround exists; the Licensed Program recovers on its own, but the problem continues. All users have access to the software and all of its functions.

Zequel Response:

Within three (3) business days from Licensee's written notification to Zequel and provided Licensee has provided Zequel with the necessary hardware, software and documentation necessary for Zequel to reproduce the problem, Zequel shall provide to Licensee a proposed plan to correct such Error.

Average response time: 1 business day.

Suggestions or Comments

No immediate response is necessary. Suggestions and comments can be incorporated in the next update if Licensee and Zequel deem it appropriate.

Zequel will assist Licensee according to the above priorities, with respect to the use and operation of the Licensed Program.

Technical support is available Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.